PD Registration
To Download Instructions click HERE.
1. On the Cooperative website http://crowleys.k12.ar.us/
2. Click on the PD Registration link
3. In the PD Registration dropdown click on PD Registration Login (This will take you to the ESC sign in page)
4. Click on the yellow sign in button
5. Type in a valid email address that you can access year round
***It is important that you use a valid email address that you can access year round for any communication regarding your registered events. You will be contacted via this email address for event cancellations, time/location changes, or any other pertinent information.***
5. Click No,I am new to this site then Continue
6. Complete all personal information as indicated
7. In the Region field, please choose Crowley’s Ridge Education Cooperative
8. In the District field, please choose your school district
9. In the Position field, please choose the one that best suits your job position then Continue
10. On the next page, please choose your Campus (if you do not work at a school, please choose Central Office/Other)
11. Next you must create a password in Make My Password field (Note: passwords can ONLY be lower case letters and/or numbers—do NOT use any capital letters in your password or the system will not allow you to log in)
12. Next, retype that password in Confirm Password field
13. Click Finish—you should receive a Congratulations! You have successfully created a new user account!
14. You may now Sign In and begin registering for events by clicking on Catalog